Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I don't know if you can see that little lavender bush lurking under all that sticky weed, but it's there, valiantly trying to keep on growing and being its fragrant little self.

The Accountant and I spent the weekend in Central Victoria. We dropped the dogs off at Trentham and drove on to Daylesford on the Saturday for a luxurious spa at Hepburn Springs. The main baths there is still closed for renovations, but they're doing spas at various guest houses. It hasn't quite the same atmosphere of the baths, which I loved for their slightly ricketty, Edwardian feel, but it was still glorious. Then I dropped in quickly to Purls, the yarn shop in Daylesford and we had a cup of tea at the Harvest cafe.

On Sunday, after breakfast at the Red Beard Cafe in Trentham and quick visit to the Trentham market, the Accountant and I launched into our mission - Weed Mother's Garden! The ferney alone (where that lavender bush is now radiating optimism) yielded 6 garbage bins of sticky weed.

It was a good weekend - lovely to have a day of pottering, followed by a day of satisfying activity. Then we drove home (with the kids, who my ex-husband had dropped off there) and had a barbeque with the Bachelor (the Accountant's brother).

I keep knitting the modern quilt wrap. I am not at all sorry I lashed out on the Rowan. The colours keep singing to me and knitting it is a joy. I'm also contemplating a cotton version, done in Jo Sharp yarn - I think she has a similar palette in the cottons. It will be different, of course, but related. I'd quite like that. I also think the cotton would drape nicely. We shall see. I feel as though I am practically on holidays with only two tafe classes a week (and a book to finish of course, and all my marking, but holidays, nonetheless...)

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