Tuesday, January 01, 2008


I always make new year's resolutions. Always. They are probably pretty much the same, year after year, but that never stops me.

1. Stress less - through better organisation, thought-out priorities and relaxing recreational time.
2. Write as much of Magenta as possible before the new term starts.
3. Cook a brand new recipe once a week - I do love cooking but I get sick of repeating the same things over and over. I have so many cookbooks and I do use them - but not enough.
4. Take up sewing again - and teach Helen, in the process.
5. Knit with colour, design my own patterns and be bold!
6. Spin more regularly - it's very relaxing and okay to do when it is simply too hot to knit.
7. Consolidate friendships in the Hills and have some dinner parties.
8. Streamline my workspace/s and create warm living environments.
9. Get my head around various technologies, including Ubuntu!
10. Paint my fingernails, enjoy baths and spend time watching the fish.

At Chinese New Year, we'll create a wish tree - it's too hot to do it today!

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