Monday, March 21, 2011

Tuesday Poem - 'Clouds Caught on Fence Posts' by Claire Gaskin

all the blue rushing through the pinpoint of an iris
lemon tree alight with yellow yells
butterflies land on my father's bare head
the force of the ocean is gentle on its bay shores

lemon tree alight with yellow yells
the force of the ocean is gentle on its bay shores
the breath is gentle on the body
soldiers of sunset stand on the boulevard

we are just clouds caught on fence posts
while their motorbikes graze on the asphalt
soldiers of sunset stand on the boulevard
clapping hands like birds fly up to the shot of a gun

while their motorbikes graze on the asphalt
butterflies land on my father's bare head
clapping hands like birds fly up to the shot of a gun
 all the blue rushing through the pinpoint of an iris

Claire Gaskin, A Snail in the Ear of the Buddha, Soup Publications, 1998.

Claire Gaskin is a Melbourne-based poet who teaches creative writing and professional writing and editing. You can hear her read her work at The Word Tree, Saturday 2nd April, Burrinja Cafe, Burrinja Community Centre, 3.00 - 5.00 pm. Her latest collection, A Bud, was published by John Leonard Press. Come along and hear Claire read!


Mr Dentistry! said...

I enjoyed reading claire gaskin's work...I knew claire before she got published and its rewarding to see her forfilling her dreams of being a writer...I look forward to reading all of her writtings.

Mr Dentistry! said...

lovely work I look forward to purchasing all of her published writings for a quiet read by the fireplace...