Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Snowed under and Tuesday Poem

or heated under, really, considering Melbourne's weather! Battling to get course material ready for the teaching year so today's post is a combination writing exercise and Tuesday poem posting.

Inspired by the Japanese haiku, Ginsberg invented the 'American sentence' - a sentence of 17 syllables. You can read some here and there's a great handout on the concept here.

Here are some Australian sentences from my week:

Sunbathing at the pool two girls talk about exercise - tomorrow.
By three in the afternoon even the birds are silenced by the heat.
Third day of heat, the cinema is full no matter what the movie.
Mid-summer and my daughter's boat tattoo sails over honey brown skin.

No matter whether or not you think Australia Day should be celebrated or mourned, write some Australian sentences - a good way to opt out of that vexed question all together. Poetry, not patriotism. Free verse not flags.

Hop across to Tuesday Poem Blog for other poems by Tuesday Poem bloggers and also from this week's Tuesday Poem Blog editor, two poems from one of my all-time favourite contemporary poets, Dorianne Laux whose ability to articulate the sensuality and mystery of the ordinary world is inspirational.

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