Thursday, July 20, 2006

Knitting, Diana Wynne Jones and a quiz.

I ordered The Tough Guide to Fantasyland by Diana Wynne Jones from ebay recently on the grounds of some reviews I read. I have not been disappointed. She spotlights the predictable fantasy tropes affectionately but with bite.

However, imagine my pleasure when I discovered under K
Knitting. It is possible that Knitting has not yet been invented in Fantasyland - at least so far as mortals are concerned (see Crone). The complete absence of Socks and sweaters suggests that the inhabitants have concentrated instead on Embroidery and weaving.

Now, a question, gentle Readers, why do you think The Accountant has volunteered - please note that word! - to accompany me and the Anti-Blogger to the Bendigo Sheep and Wool Show?

Is he:
a) taking a husbandly interest in his spouse's pursuits?
b) having a day out with the yarn girls?
c) getting in touch with his feminine side?
d) planning to take up knitting and wishes to begin a stash all of his own?
e) keeping a careful eye on any spontaneous expenditure?



1 comment:

Gregory Brett Hardy said...


That's the answer, right?