Sunday, November 18, 2007

The girl turns fifteen!

And a good time was had by all! On the girlchild's insistence we ate: oysters, smoked salmon, smoked mussels and blue cheese with crackers and grissini. We also had a cheese fondue - surprisingly yummy and very easy to make - I combined two recipes from epicurious and it turned out well. This cheesey delight was followed by mango cheesecake - again using a recipe from epicurious but tweaking it by using four mangoes and not measuring anything. The base was gingernut biscuits.

It's a family tradition that on your birthday, within reason, you get to choose dinner. This was particularly cheese-focussed! I don't do cakes very well - there was the curious incident of the rubber sponge, for example - but cheesecake and rich chocolate cakes I can generally manage.

It was a highly festive evening! I'm delighted to have two teenager children!!

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